This is a continuation of last month’s blog ‘Ownership, part 1. Click the link to read part 1 if you need to catch up: Ownership Pt. 1
2. Leaders take ownership of everything
You and I are leaders.Leaders in our sphere where we can lead others in what we do best. Whether it`s your passion, ability, skill, talent or at some point turning your limits into a win. I believe we can all contribute something to this world with what we have.
For years, I didn`t see myself as a speaker. Speaking was a terrible thing for me! There was a reason for this. When you are hearing impaired and can`t hear properly, it`s difficult to learn how to speak properly. As a child I hated to speak as I didn`t really know how to. Thankfully that has slowly changed over the years.
One day a few years ago, I was sitting looking out of my bedroom window to my balcony and the view beyond it. I had an incredible view of the beautiful mountains that surrounded my home. I could also see a huge piece of land below the balcony.
For some reason that day, I was imagining what it would be like if the piece of land was filled with hundreds or even thousands of people, and I was stood speaking to them. A burning desire to become a public speaker, sharing God`s love for humanity and inspiring people to live out their dreams, was formed that day!
I don’t believe that I came up with this desire on my own. I believe that in that little moment, God who sets my purpose for life, gave me the desire. My desire to live out God-given purpose has always been, and will always be, bigger than me.
That big and sometimes overwhelming desire has been with me since that day. In order to see the desire fulfilled I have needed to take action. To be courageous, and to be in charge of what God has entrusted to me. I have had to take ownership of it. I`ve looked for ways to get there and found development opportunities so I can get more and more confident about public speaking and see the desire I received turn in to a reality.
I love the fact that God wants to cooperate with us. It`s not a one-way monologue from God to us, rather a relationship of dialogue between God and humans. Yes, God sets the purpose, gives the desire and leads us into the destiny. At the same time, we have the opportunity to take action and ownership of what He has entrusted us with!
I want to challenge you with a question: Where or in which area(s) do you need to take ownership of what God has entrusted you with?
Taking ownership of something, especially something big like living out a purpose, doesn`t happen quickly.But if we daily take ownership of what has been entrusted to us, we will one day end up as experts in that particular purpose. God mostly works in small steps. It might not be exciting to do something over and over again. But if we do it consistently, with persistence and faith, our God-given burning desire will one day break out and flourish like we never expected!
On top of that, we don`t just have to take ownership for our own purpose. Being leaders gives us the opportunity, or rather I should say the responsibility, of helping others pursue and develop their purposes and desires.
Day by day there are so many opportunities to take ownership in everything – helping others and yourself to flourish in life!
I`m far from where I want to be in this but I have realised that the best place to start is by having an awareness of taking ownership. From there I can change my mindset, which in turn leads me to the action steps I can take to become better at taking ownership over everything.
I hope this second part of the blog has given you the opportunity to become more aware about taking ownership and responsibility for the amazing world we live in and the precious people we are surrounded with.
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