Ownership – Part 1



Recently I`d had the privilege of being interviewed by a local newspaper.
I was asked a question about something that is a hot topic in Switzerland at the moment.
Should there be a limit to how much medical care should cost regarding essential treatments?

My response was: “Life can`t be measured with money, it`s way more precious than metal and paper!”

Life is precious and beyond comparing to the value of money. Whether someone is in full health or has constant medical needs, the value of a life isn`t measurable in human riches. Have you ever thought about how valuable your life might be?

Just as life can`t be compared with money it also shouldn`t be wasted. Each one of us is here for a certain amount of time to live out a God-given purpose and we have passion and abilities to contribute to this. I believe God gives these to us so that we can be part of His restoration plan for all humankind. These things come with a certain amount of responsibility and ownership.


Taking ownership of your own life sounds easy, right? What about when things don’t go the way you want? Or when others don`t believe in you or even neglect what you do? Or when bad things happen in your life because of others?


I recall a particular situation in my life when I had the opportunity to learn about this. I was about five years old and my blood pressure was very high. I was prescribed lots of medications to bring it back to normal. The medication helped over time but a side effect of it was that my hearing was destroyed by 75%.

Being hearing impaired isn`t just a medical and physical issue. It also causes psychological issues that leave you changed forever! This incident gave me lots of challenges and still does. I had to learn that it couldn’t be undone, accept that fact, take ownership of the situation and make the most out of it.


In these next two blogs I want to encourage you with two core lessons that I`ve learned about taking ownership in life.

1. Everything works for your good

Life doesn`t always go the way we imagine! You and I are broken people in need of restoration. We live in a complex world where dealing with each other is difficult. We often get hurt by the actions of others but we also hurt and injure others, sometimes without even knowing it.
However, when the hurt has been caused we do have a choice to make. We either can blame, get angry, and have a grudge on the other person or situation or we can choose to take ownership of our lives. We can`t control what happens to us, but we can take control and ownership of how we deal with what happens to us!

At speaking engagements I often tell people the story about my hearing impairment. I explain that it was a medical fault that could have most likely been avoided. Then I move on to a funny statement and say: “Because of my hearing impairment, as a kid when my parents told me to do my chores, I often said that I couldn’t hear them / didn’t hear what they’d said!” Even today I often joke by saying: “I only hear what I want to hear“. At times this can be very practical in a busy and noisy world. ☺

Have I been hurt over the past 25 years because I’ve not understood everything fully? Yes! Have I at times been through unbearable mental and psychological challenges? Yes! Did I blame anyone for the fault? Sometimes I did!!


If we continually blame and judge people for what they have done to us, we will sooner or later end up in a toxic life. No matter what people have said or done to you: Forgive them, move on, get over it. Take ownership over your life and make the most out of it! What you let into your heart is your responsibility.

As my favourite encouraging scripture says: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28, NLT. Emphasis my own)

Today, I believe and meditate on that scripture wherever I feel hurt, broken, disappointed or even deceived. In this scripture, there is so much hope, love and forgiveness to take comfort in. It can change our perspective from what happened to us to what God can do with any brokenness, pain, disappointment or betrayal.



I hope you have received an injection of inspiration from this first look at ownership. I’m praying and believing that in your current situation, everything will work out for your good as glorification for Him.

Hold on for part two next month… ☺


Much love!




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